Busted But Not Responsible? Tips For Your Defense

If you've been arrested for a crime you didn't commit, you need to defend your legal rights. You have the right to an attorney who can help you present your case. After being wrongly accused of something myself, I learned quickly how to navigate the legal avenues to have my case dismissed. My attorney was a great resource for building the case, and because of my understanding of the law, it worked. I created this site to share what I learned along the way and some other great tips for others who have been wrongly accused and arrested for a crime.

Preventing A DUI From Harming Your Career

Law Blog

After you have been arrested or convicted for a DUI, you will need to begin putting your life back together. But this is often easier said than done, and having a DUI on your record can impede your career prospects or even cost you your job. As you work to reclaim your good standing with the law, avoid these five potential pitfalls to keep your career on the right track. 

1. Preventing an Arrest From Becoming a Conviction

If you were only recently arrested on DUI charges and have not yet been convicted, your priority should be to avoid conviction or plea for a lesser charge, depending on the circumstances of your case. You will need the help of a good DUI attorney to accomplish this, but you may be able to have the charges dropped or a felony reduced to a misdemeanor. 

2. Finding a Means of Transportation

A DUI conviction is almost always accompanied by a temporary loss of driving privileges, and you may also lose your insurance. This can make getting to and from your work reliably difficult or nearly impossible. You may be able to get your license back sooner by appealing through your attorney, but otherwise, look into public transit in your area, bicycling options or carpooling with a nearby coworker. 

3. Reporting Your Arrest to Your Employer

Depending on your employer, you may be contractually or legally obligated to disclose your arrest or conviction. This is particularly common in jobs that require driving on the clock or a commercial driver's license. Check your state laws before disclosing anything to your employer, as you may be protected. An experienced attorney from your area should be knowledgeable of what is required of you in regards to your employer. 

4. Handling Background Checks and Hiring Questions

When it comes time to seek a new job, handling a DUI on your record can be tricky. Many employers factor a prior conviction on a background check into their hiring decisions, though several states do not permit them to consider your arrest record. If you suspect that you were turned down because of your DUI, you may be able to request that the employer prove that your conviction is relevant to the job in question. 

5. Seeking an Expungement for Your DUI

Every state handles DUI expungements differently, but if you qualify, you could have the records of your arrest and conviction sealed, effectively erasing them from public scrutiny. In order to accomplish this, you will need a spotless record following your arrest and the assistance of a good attorney, who will help you navigate the necessary paperwork and meet deadlines. Taking an alcohol education course may improve your chances further. After enough years have passed, your state may drop the DUI from your record even without filing for expungement, but when your career is at risk, you are better off appealing as quickly as possible. 

To learn more, contact a law firm like Mesenbourg & Sarratori Law Offices


30 March 2016