Busted But Not Responsible? Tips For Your Defense

If you've been arrested for a crime you didn't commit, you need to defend your legal rights. You have the right to an attorney who can help you present your case. After being wrongly accused of something myself, I learned quickly how to navigate the legal avenues to have my case dismissed. My attorney was a great resource for building the case, and because of my understanding of the law, it worked. I created this site to share what I learned along the way and some other great tips for others who have been wrongly accused and arrested for a crime.

How To Create A Visitation Schedule That Works For Everyone

Law Blog

If you have been awarded custody of your child and your spouse has received visitation rights, you will need to take these rights seriously in order to maintain custody of your child. One of the most challenging aspects of visitation is coming up with an effective schedule that takes into consideration other factors, such as your ex-spouse's work schedule. Here are a few tips for creating a visitation schedule that works for everyone:

Seizing Control Over The Visitation Schedule

The most ideal visitation schedule is one that is beneficial to both of you. For instance, if you work on the weekends and your spouse doesn't, it would be ideal for him or her to have visitation on the weekends. The best visitation agreement is one which is listed as "visitation will be determined between the parties." This means that you and your ex-spouse will negotiate over when to best have visitation. This will provide you with the most flexibility. If you are not able to work out an agreement, the judge will decide for you and you will then have no say.

Visitation On The Weekends

A common arrangement is for one parent to have visitation every other weekend. This is because weekends are often an important time for parents and children spending time together and bonding. Also, it is common to require every Wednesday for a few hours.

Considering The Best Interests Of Your Child

Consider what you think is the best for your child. If your child badly wants to spend more time with your ex-spouse or if you believe that your ex is a good influence on your child, you might wish to offer more visitation rights to your spouse than what is legally required.

Visitation At Your Discretion

Normally, you must determine the schedule with the other parent, but the court will sometimes give you full control over visitation. You will be expected to provide limited visitation and only at your own discretion. Limited visitation is usually the result of your ex-spouse exhibiting red flags such as violent behavior. This can lead to shorter visits, the prohibition of overnight visits, and even a permanent termination of all visitation rights. To maintain custody, you should carefully follow the court's instructions regarding visitation.

It may not be possible to create a situation where each partner has 50% visitation. If you are not sure about how to handle the situation and whether you may be at risk of violating a visitation order, you should contact an attorney for assistance.  Contact a law office, such as Law office of Kristine A. Michael, P.C., for more information about creating a visitation schedule.   


25 January 2016