If you've been arrested for a crime you didn't commit, you need to defend your legal rights. You have the right to an attorney who can help you present your case. After being wrongly accused of something myself, I learned quickly how to navigate the legal avenues to have my case dismissed. My attorney was a great resource for building the case, and because of my understanding of the law, it worked. I created this site to share what I learned along the way and some other great tips for others who have been wrongly accused and arrested for a crime.
For many parents of newborns, having their baby is a time of wonder and happiness. However, if your baby has spent time in the newborn intensive care unit or is starting to show signs of health problems, your experience could be different. You may think medical care providers are at fault for your baby's problems and think about whether legal action could be appropriate. If so, these suggestions will help you come to a conclusion about that decision.
Consider Time Lapse
Caring for your newborn can be both tiring and stressful. If there are health issues which need monitoring, you may be taking up time learning about what needs to be done for them. However, if you're about to sue medical personnel for causing birth injuries, you must realize that you only have a certain timeframe in which to do it. Check with local courts or a lawyer about deadlines so that you don't decide to take action only to find you no longer can.
Research Injuries
You might have a clear idea of what your delivering physician did wrong; for example, if nurses in the delivery room did not answer your calls for help, that can be considered negligence. However, you do need to do some research about whether nurses, doctors, and others caused the injuries your baby has. Bruises from forceps and handling are not unusual and typically don't serve as the basis for a lawsuit, but improper pregnancy advice about cigarette and alcohol use could be. Your own internet research and discussions with birth injury lawyers can provide insight.
Be Prepared for Exams
Whenever you do take action, the medical professionals you sue will mount their own defense. As part of it, they might request medical examinations of your infant from someone other than their pediatrician. Impartial doctors are likely to be called in to do testing. Subjecting your new baby to multiple exams can be somewhat upsetting, but that is usually part of the proceedings.
Understand Possible Outcomes
Whether you sue for money to care for your baby or to seek justice, know going in that the case can take a while. Avoid depending on a positive outcome and ensure you're doing all you can to arrange a comfortable life for the baby now. Realize the judgment may not go the way you hope, and plan for all outcomes.
Your baby can thrive in spite of their birth injuries. Care for them and start discussing the situation with birth injury attorneys in the area.
Share3 June 2018