If you've been arrested for a crime you didn't commit, you need to defend your legal rights. You have the right to an attorney who can help you present your case. After being wrongly accused of something myself, I learned quickly how to navigate the legal avenues to have my case dismissed. My attorney was a great resource for building the case, and because of my understanding of the law, it worked. I created this site to share what I learned along the way and some other great tips for others who have been wrongly accused and arrested for a crime.
No one ever plans on ending up face down on the pavement or suddenly staring up at the ceiling. But accidents are a part of life, and slip-and-fall incidents certainly do happen. If you find yourself in this situation, your first order of business is of course to seek medical attention if necessary. But if you are hurt and you feel that your slip and fall was not your fault, you'll also want to choose your words and actions carefully in the aftermath of the incident in order to protect your legal rights. Here are 4 tips to keep in mind following a slip-and-fall accident.
Report the Fall to the Appropriate Person Immediately
When it comes to slip-and-fall law, the person who fell may have a legal obligation to report the fall to the employer or property owner in a timely fashion. Failure to do so make jeopardize your chances of a successful slip-and-fall claim or lawsuit. If you fell at work, tell your manager. If you fell outside your apartment, tell your landlord, and so on.
Take Photos As Soon As Possible
You will want to document the accident site as soon as you can and hopefully before any changes are made to the scene. Note the exact location that you fell and any surrounding issues, such as ice patches, loose stones and so on. Ensure that you stamp all photos with the date and time so that a court will be able to see that the photos are from the same time frame as your fall.
Put Shoes and Clothing Aside
In some slip-and-fall cases, the property owner may try to say that you hold some responsibility for your own fall. For example, if you were wearing dress shoes that are known to be slippery on ice. Put your clothing and shoes that you had on during the fall under lock up so that they can be introduced in court as evidence that you were wearing appropriate attire for the situation.
Don't Admit Anything
If the landlord, employer, or property owner tries to question you about the fall, give an accurate account but don't allow them to try and transfer fault onto you. Don't say anything like "I wasn't paying attention" or anything else that would look bad in court.
If you are injured following a slip-and-fall incident, you may have a legal case on your hands. Preserve your chances of a successful outcome by choosing your words and actions carefully after the accident. Report the incident to the appropriate person immediately but do not admit any fault. Take photos of the scene as soon as possible and put any other evidence that might be helpful such as the clothes you were wearing aside. If you feel you have a legitimate case, contact a local slip-and-fall attorney to get started.
For a slip-and-fall attorney, click this link http://www.putnamlieb.com or do an online search.
Share9 May 2016