Busted But Not Responsible? Tips For Your Defense

If you've been arrested for a crime you didn't commit, you need to defend your legal rights. You have the right to an attorney who can help you present your case. After being wrongly accused of something myself, I learned quickly how to navigate the legal avenues to have my case dismissed. My attorney was a great resource for building the case, and because of my understanding of the law, it worked. I created this site to share what I learned along the way and some other great tips for others who have been wrongly accused and arrested for a crime.

Getting Released From Jail: What You Should Know About A Bail Bonds Company

Law Blog

Are you at risk for getting locked behind bars for the first time at an upcoming court hearing? As long as a bond amount is set, you have the right to be released from jail if you are bailed out. In this article, learn about using a bail bonds company like A Alpha Bail Bonds for getting released from jail when you don't have enough money available to pay the bond amount.

What Should Be Known About Using a Bail Bonds Company?

If you happen to get locked up at your court hearing, you will find out immediately if you are able to be bailed out. Once you have the bond amount and get officially booked into jail, you will have the opportunity to call a bail bonds company or loved one. You may only be given one phone phone call upon getting booked, so choose wisely.

A bail bonds company will be able gather all of the information needed from you over the phone and through fax. If any documents are in need of being faxed, your lawyer or a family member can get them faxed for you. It is likely that you will be bailed out shortly after the bail bonds company has processed all of your paperwork.

You must keep in mind that the money used by the bail bonds company to get you released from jail is considered a short-term loan. The money must be paid back shortly after you are released, based on what is in your contract. If you don't pay the money back, you may be charged interest and any collateral used will be kept as payment. However, you can also find yourself in a lawsuit.

What If Someone Skips Town After Being Released from Jail?

If you try to skip town and don't show up in court after your release, the bail bonds company will send bounty hunters to find out where you are. The bounty hunters can make a citizen's arrest and send you back to jail. You will also have a bench warrant for your arrest if you don't show up in court. It is in your best interest to stay in town, go to court and avoid getting into more trouble than you are already in.

Think of getting released from jail on bond as a privilege that you don't want taken away by breaking the law. Allow a bail bonds company to get you out of jail so you can live at home while sorting through your legal troubles!


28 April 2015